Monitor and manage your “big picture” account data.
Are you looking for a money management solution that is immediately accessible within your Online Banking service? Our Personal Financial Management service provides a convenient way to manage and monitor the big picture of your personal account data, including investments, savings, budgets, spending, net worth, debts, trends and more!
Personal Financial Management is easily accessible from your Online Banking home page. Best of all, it’s responsive to any device, including desktop, laptop, tablets and smartphones.
PFM Features Help You Achieve Your Financial Goals
- Account aggregation in one place. Easily add external accounts from other institutions and view them together with your Apple Bank accounts on your Online Banking home page.
- Automatic categorization. Create simplified transaction descriptions and categorize them automatically across your internal and external accounts.
Interactive Data Visualization
Click on the various PFM tabs on your Online Banking home page to easily see your net worth, budgets, spending, debts and trends.
- Spending. See a visual representation of how you are spending your money over specific time periods.
- Budget. Set a budget for each spending category and track progress toward those categories.
- Trends. Identify trends within each budget category to help you track spending vs. income.
- Net Worth. See the total value of all your internal Apple Bank accounts and linked external accounts to view your net worth over time.
- Debts. View all of your debt accounts in one place and calculate how accelerating the frequency of payments, or eliminating debt altogether, can impact your net worth over time.
Link External Accounts from Other Financial Institutions
Linking the deposit, loan and credit card accounts you have with other financial institutions helps you conveniently manage your finances. Once linked, you’ll be able to access your balances and transactions from both your internal and external accounts in one place.
Follow These Easy Steps to Link an Account
1. On the Online Banking home page, click or tap the Link Account button. Or, you may click or tap either the Link Account icon that appears above the first account group, or the Link Account tile that appears below the account groups.
2. When a list of popular financial institutions appears, select your financial institution by either:
Clicking or tapping the financial institution or logo from the list, or
Typing the name or URL of your financial institution in the Search box if it does not appear on the list. As you type, matching financial institutions will appear. Click a financial institution name to select it.
3. Enter your Online Banking credentials for the external financial institution and click or tap Continue. If the external financial institution requires multifactor authentication, you will be prompted to supply more information to complete the login.
Important Note: Personal Financial Management does not allow transactions within your external (non-Apple Bank) accounts, or between your internal Apple Bank and external accounts.