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for your money with


Free Checking Account

Tired of checking accounts that tack on maintenance fees? Time for one that’s free.

Just $100 to open
No minimum balance and no monthly maintenance fee
24/7 access to your account with Mobile Banking*
Get convenient direct deposit for recurring payment checks

Get our go-to free checking account

Your hard-earned money deserves better treatment. Apple Bank’s free ExtraValue Checking lets you maintain any balance without paying a maintenance fee, and you still get the access you need online, on your mobile* device and through our ATM network with your Visa® Debit Card. ATM transactions at Apple Bank machines are free with this account.** With free ExtraValue Checking, you get everything you need, from a bank that still believes customers deserve free checking.

*Data fees from your mobile carrier may apply.
**There is a charge of $2.00 per transaction for domestic non-Apple Bank ATM transactions. ATM or terminal operator surcharge may apply. 

  Please refer to the account disclosure for additional terms and conditions.